How can Family Mediation Service or a Family Mediator help you?
Our private Family Mediation Service provides a fast, efficient service. Designed to assist you and your partner in separating/divorcing. (Kindly note that we can help with reconciliation too at your request). The mediator helps you to work out a way forward with your interests in mind. Firstly, they will listen to the parties. Family mediation provides you with solutions . The court route can be slow and expensive. This service can help people achieve a low cost divorce .
Discussion of issues at family mediation is done in a sensitive way, at your pace. Matters such as access and custody of children, shared home, assets and debts. Also, any applicable pensions and matters arising on death (if you so wish). Another concern may be the payment of maintenance. We can draw up a Parenting Plan. This helps you plan how we will manage in the future. For example managing responsibilities like school, holidays, and childcare.
The family mediator will help find the best decisions for everyone.
Family mediators have skills and experience to help get agreement.
Call a Family Mediator today on 087 98 32 112 or email;
Then, upon agreement, the family mediator draws up the document . This will be legally binding between you both. Kindly note that the mediator will not provide legal advice. Importantly, you are welcome to get professional advice at any stage of the process. In addition, you can obtain advice before signing anything. Then, if you want to change any part of the agreement, this can be done at a further meeting.
The Mediation Act states that ALL mediated agreements are legally binding.
A Judge may examine any unreasonable refusal to try family mediation. Judges often refer clients to the process. The court can suggest mediation is attempted before hearing the case.
Family Mediation Services
One can suggest mediation to the other side before a case goes to court. Indeed you can also attend mediation once a case has been filed. But any case must be paused pending an outcome of mediation. People can still attend court if family mediation does not work out. Or, you can obtain a partial mediated agreement . You have nothing to lose by trying to a mediation session. Even attend a session to see what it is like? So why not give us a call to see if we can help?
Finally, people do attend family mediation for reconciliation. But it is a decision for you if you would like to discuss further. If you are undecided you can discuss this with the mediator . Our mediators understand that you are making life changing decisions. Thus, they will put you at your ease from the outset.
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