The role of the mediator is to help you obtain a plan as to how you will manage financially going forward.
Firstly, we use a template to help with future budgeting of income. Many parties will be doing this for the first time. Thus, we have developed over the years having worked with many other clients. This helps parties calculate how they will budget for their new situation into the future. So, it avoids any potential financial shocks after the separation. It also helps allay any concerns and this is done at the meetings with guidance by the mediator.
Furthermore, we discuss other financial issues parties may have. A sample of the financial areas negotiated at mediation are below;
• Earnings and income.
• Maintenance of any children or other dependents.
• Assets and liabilities.
• Life Insurance policies can form part of the discussion.
• Pensions if you so desire.
Let the mediator know if there are other areas that you wish to discuss or if any of the above do not apply we need not discuss them.
Earnings and income
Firstly, as couples separate, one of the most stressful thoughts is: ‘How will I manage financially in the future?’ In mediation, detailed budgets are
completed by each partner with the help of the mediator. From these, each of
you can estimate what you are going to need financially and decide how you can
divide the money that’s available between you.
Once couples have disclosed and assessed their respective financial positions, the
mediator assists them in negotiating any supports they may need from each other
and/or for their children.
Our professional mediator helps you and your partner the opportunity to explore the options
available to you around this, in order to help you make the decisions which best suits
you both and the children if applicable.
Following on from the above, call us today on 087 98 32 112 to see if we can help.
Any assets and/or liabilities
Following on from the above, your mediator will assist you in compiling your assets and help you work out
how these may best be resolved if applicable. However, you must both agree and the mediator will assist with this too.
Any liabilities/debts will also be clarified and discussed. Hence, mediation will help you establish
how you will pay your debts and over what period.
Life insurance policies
At mediation, you will consider what is to happen with existing insurance policies or whether you need to take out life policies to provide for you all in the future.
Furthermore, if you wish we can discuss any applicable pensions, this will be facilitated at mediation depending on your circumstances.
Call 087 98 32 112.
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