What is a parenting plan?
Firstly, a parenting plan is a document that a mediator will help you discuss that will provide structure for your children as you separate or divorce. It can be useful as parties can work out how matters will affect the child in the future. It eliminates the need for further disputes as the child grow older. Such issues as discipline, school holidays, special days that you would like to spend with the children. It can cover what will we do if big decisions need to be made. For example, major health issues arise do we each contact the other party? As children grow their needs change and an effective agreement will help you decide those issues in a fair and reasonable way.
Undoubtedly, you won’t have to go to court to resolve parenting issues in the future as you will have your parenting plan drafted by you both with the help of a mediator.
It can reduce conflict in the future as it provides stability and as it is drafted by both parties it will work as you decide what will work best for your family.
As well as the above, the children will benefit from structure and the predictability that a the plan provides.
What next….
Try to prepare for the mediation;
Contrary to your feelings, if you can try to set aside conflict with the other parent it will be beneficial. If not, the mediator can meet you both separately.
In addition, it helps to focus on matters from the children’s point of view while preparing the schedule. Importantly, your mediator will help and use their experience too.
Following on from the above, your mediator will talk you through aspects of the parenting plan that will best suit your needs.
Finally, call today on 087 98 32 112
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