Mediation for Commercial Disputes in Ireland
It has been stated that Mediation can save money on bringing a claim through the courts in Ireland. It is well known that mediation costs a fraction of any legal court case. Also, mediation is confidential, and it usually maintains the business relationships between parties.

Commercial mediation


Conflict can be a drain on both money, resources and time. Court action is slow and uncertain as you are leaving the decision making to another party. In mediation you and the other party with the help of a trained professional decide the outcome.

A Commercial mediator can help you achieve a flexible, faster and cost effective way of resolving disputes. This process is an alternative to the court system. The mediator addresses the issues and obstacles within the disputes that have arisen to reach a practical solution to benefit all parties. If mediation is not successful you may still use the court system however, it affords parties a way of finding a solution without that cost. We have extensive experience both as  lawyers and mediators in dealing with commercial disputes. We are proud to say that thus far all of our commercial mediations    reached agreement.

Any business dispute can be resolved with a commercial mediator – a neutral third party. Typical conflicts include; a property owner alleging breach of contract, negligent or improper work. A supplier alleging non payment for materials. One contractor against another for breach of contract, negligent or improper work or non payment.

Judge Fidelma Macken has said of Mediation:

‘Mediation is a no brainer for business and I feel it is particularly relevant for the banking and insurance sectors at the moment’.

Following on from the above, we have found that  many individuals and companies find that dispute resolution is a distress purchase. Thus, the costs that incur because of potential business disruption and personal management time whilst attempting to manage the conflict can be underestimated.

Most importantly Judge Peter Kelly in the Commercial Court has recommended parties use a commercial mediator instead of court in order for parties to resolve matters. Finally, some members of the Judiciary have mentioned the prospect of cost sanctions on parties who do not consider mediation before court attendance.

For further information or to talk about your case please call today on 087 98 32 112
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