Fix my Relationship: Want to improve your marriage? Our services help resolve conflicts or disputes including misunderstandings in relationships. Mediation for reconciliation is a method of dealing with conflicts. Through negotiations and conversations, endeavours are made to reach an agreement that both parties can feel happy with. The parties decide themselves whether to enter into a binding agreement with the help of the mediator and this will then be binding between the parties.
We can also aid parties try to find a new way of communicating at mediation. This sometimes helps find a new way forward for the marriage or relationship. Thus, we meet draw up a mutually agreeable plan for both parties and then after a few weeks or months they attend again and we explore how effective it was for them. If unsuccessful we explore options going forward from there.
Anyone can contact our Mediation for reconciliation services for information, advice or guidance on a relevant matter. All enquiries are welcome.
we have completed a masterclass in couples therapy to help our clients.
Unlike counselling however, we offer a practical side of helping your relationship. We believe it is necessary to find lasting solutions. Something in the relationship is not working and we aim to find a better way of communicating with one another. Parties then return a few weeks/ months later to see if there is any difference in the relationship.
In 21st century Ireland we all get caught up in the excitement of getting married and looking forward to a happy life together.
While there is nothing wrong with this we all change and people’s expectations do not always work out as planned. Even the best of intentions can go astray.
Our service helps couples learn to live together .We help couples find a new way of communicating together and this in turn leads to people understanding each other in a better way and thus this lends itself to a happier life together
Please call today on 087 98 32 112 or email us at :
How do we help with mediation for reconciliation?
We will help you both identify issues that are important to you whether they be change or to identify something that has been missing in the relationship.
Therefore we help both rediscover the harmony in your marriage in a practical way. We help you find an agreement that will last.
We then assist in facilitating a way to help both of you to reach goals that are agreeable to you and your partner. In addition, our sessions will also equip you both for the future and the natural changes that come with life.
Often people say to us ‘ I was afraid to tell my partner how I felt (worrying how they may react). However, mediation where the communication was controlled I felt I was able to speak my mind in a safe environment’.
Is it Confidential?
Following on from the above, what have other couples said about us?
‘Excellent , invaluable to our marriage, we needed it to enable us to take time out for ourselves and learn to appreciate each other in a new way’
Caitriona, Athlone
‘Since we met with the mediator we are communicating better. We have more understanding of each other’s needs and are not afraid to speak about anything’
John, Limerick
Why not call us today you have nothing to lose and see if we can help you 087 98 32 112 or email us in confidence :