land dispute, boundary dispute, land registry

Farming Disputes on a farm can be very stressful for busy workers image

Agricultural Mediation/Farming Disputes
Mediation is a process to resolve farming disputes instead of using the court system. The mediator helps generate a legally binding settlement agreement without going to court.

The process involves an independent third party who acts as a facilitator (assistant) between the parties to assist them to explore ways to resolve their differences and reach an agreement that best addresses their needs.

You don’t have to sign any document on the day. You can bring a solicitor (as long as all the parties agree). Alternatively, you can have a professional read over the document prior to signing. If they suggest changes these can be inserted provided all agree.

Why mediation?

The courts often expect parties to attempt to resolve their differences before they come in front of  a Judge – for example, through mediation. In addition, for claims of between €10,000 and €200,000 legal fees have been known to reach between €50,000 and €100,000 per party.

In comparison, a mediator will usually charge €1,500-€3,000 a day, with the cost normally split between the parties. Often mediation can resolve matters in a few hours.

Mediation can be beneficial on the farm in the following situations;

Firstly, boundary issues between neighbours and other land disputes,

Furthermore, issues over rights of way (easements),

Agricultural loans,

Any rural business,

Crop issues with suppliers,

Licences or Leases of land,

Disputes with staff such as farm managers,

Difficulty with matters involving the local County Council, Co-Op or Mart,

Issues with Suppliers of Machinery or other Suppliers,


We can contact the other party if you wish to see if they are agreeable to mediation with a neutral mediator.

Following on from the above, legal advice is not required but should be obtained if necessary. Finally, all matters are confidential and mediation can help to preserve valuable business relationships and communication.

Call or email today 087 98 32 112

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