What is a workplace dispute?

The workplace can be a very stressful environment for many parties. Harassment/bullying among other issues can affect performance standards. These issues may affect an employee’s emotional wellbeing and thus their work performance. Thus, workplace mediation may help.
Mediation can really benefit the parties especially as they may often need to continue to work together.  A workplace Mediator can increase efficiency in the workplace as all issues form part of a discussion in a neutral environment with a trained professional.

All of our mediators are solicitors and have represented clients at Employment Appeals Tribunals. Our mediators then retrained as workplace mediators and clients can benefit from their experience both as mediators and solicitors.

Why Mediation can help your company

  1. Mediation is confidential – disputants get to say and listen to in confidence without their colleagues being aware.
  2. An external workplace Mediator is outside the situation and thus they can be neutral.
  3. Mediation gives disputants a safe, neutral setting to air their grievances.
  4. Mediation can deal with a workplace dispute without involving other employees or management.
  5. Workplace disputes are inevitable and can carry serious risks to the business.Mediation can intervene before things get out of hand.
  6. Mediation aids the parties to communicate more effectively and sets the standard for future conduct.
  7. Human Resources can inform the mediator if they seek. To have an input in the final agreement or report.

How does one resolve a workplace dispute?

If you decide mediation might interest you we can contact the other party and enquire (anonymously if requested) as to whether or not they might be agreeable to mediation.

It can be difficult to achieve resolution without compromising neutrality. A neutral facilitator (workplace mediator) who remains objective can often be the catalyst in achieving mutually acceptable resolutions.

Employees are more likely to stick to any agreement made as they will have designed it themselves.

Workplace Bullying or Sexual Harassment can have a negative impact on the entire workforce

Case studies of where mediation was successful:


A Manager of a hospital has been given a  claim of unfair dismissal from an employee who was let go from their job after passing the probation period but with less than one year’s service. The employee is pregnant and claims that the hospital were aware of this. Her boss in the hospital has gone on long term sick leave and is not able to shed any light on the situation.

The employee wants respect and fairness to ensure that others do not have a similar experience in the future, but is not too concerned about coming back to work. The hospital does not want a public case which it will find hard to defend but neither does it want to appear to be an easy target. Thus, sitting down with a neutral trained  workplace mediator can help resolve matters. Workplace mediation can assist all parties in finding a solution that is agreeable to all.


A manager bullying an employee? The employee claims he has more duties than he should have at work. He was told he has to work late whenever the results are not met. The employee has said they need more staff and the manager gives him a hard time as a result. The manager then accuses the employee of not pulling his weight. Moreover, they used to get on really well together . The company has become aware of the issues and wants them to continue working together and hopes that mediation will help them.

Both parties agreed to come to mediation where a settlement was eventually reached and they now have a good working relationship and none of the work colleagues became aware of any issues. Importantly, with the help of the workplace mediator all matters were eventually resolved.

These are samples of where mediation can help resolve  workplace disputes.  Call us on 087 98 32 112.

Remember we can contact the other party on your behalf if you request.

Read More about Mediation  :



Please call us today to see if we can help your unique situation 087 98 32 112.

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